After losing her nine-year-old son Michael to non-Hodgkin lymphoma, Louise Thomas dreamed of a state-of-the-art medical facility dedicated to research and curing childhood diseases. Out of a mother’s love and fearless determination, the Steele Children’s Research Center in Tucson was born. But the dreaming didn’t stop there.
A few years later, Louise’s friend Robyn DeBell teamed up with Penny Gunning over a shared goal; to raise funds to support the world-renowned physician-scientist and research teams at Steele.

Peggy Gunning & Robyn DeBell, PANDA founders
Their vision for this fundraiser went far beyond simply writing a check. They dreamed of a team of strong women working together year after year to support children, their families, and each other. A passionate community of mothers, sisters, and daughters that would connect and inspire generations to come.

This philosophy sparked the idea for the first event; a children’s fashion show where kids could walk the runway in honor of other kids who could not.
25 years and countless community members later, PANDA is proud to have raised more than $35 million in funding and $100 million in grants for the talented team at Steele. If Louise’s son Michael received the same diagnosis today, there would be a treatment for him. And he’d likely still be with us.

In honor of Michael and so many other kids and families with similar stories, thank you for your support.

PANDA is proud to be 100% volunteer
based, meaning every cent we raise
goes directly to our cause.